Tuesday, July 6, 2021

"My date, my best friend and I": Keno is exposed as a permanent dater


Another new dating show? In "My Date, My Best Friend and I", the gay friends help the single women in their search for great love. But the pool of candidates seems a bit exhausted.

Hand on heart: Do we really still need the 38th dating show? Isn't it slow enough with flirting formats in which dream bodies curl up in front of dream backdrops in dream villas? Haven't we seen enough men with wide chest tattoos, tight high-water trousers and oversized egos meeting long-haired, airy-clad women seeking love?

Answer: Actually, yes, but the new SAT.1 show "My date, my best friend and I" blows the shaky house of cards of love through once again. The decisive twist: The gay best friends of the single women are allowed to play jokers. And the best friends take advantage of this with relish.

Appearance David, type bodyguard with helper syndrome: I don't think this will be such a format. Gay men always bring joy, he flutes – only to then immediately stage the really big drama: He just wants to go on tv, he has no real interest, he is. Not because he doesn't like his best friend's date. He holds his protective hand over another single woman. "I know if a hetero man is really interested, I just won't let it!", he gives the Date Doctor without being asked.

The trigger of his anger? A good old acquaintance in the TV dating carousel: Keno Rüst, once a short-term lover of "Bachelorette" Gerda Lewis. "I'm 100 percent real, he's not," David makes no secret of his dislike of the TV serial dater. Keno, on the other hand, has completely different problems: "Why are you already so many? Are there more?", he is permanently irritated at the sight of more than two people without minimum distances in the villa. "If there are roses here, then I'm gone again," Keno makes his priorities clear.

"I think he's a bit stupid"

Quite entertaining also the "Hau drauf" flirting tactics of a 23-year-old footballer, who introduces himself with the words that he can "handle balls well". It doesn't get any better: "I said,' I want fat shooting men and you also have a good bust," he shoots an own goal when he gets to know his date.

Maria, by the way, already a candidate on "Temptation Island" in the past, does not immediately draw the red card: "I'm fully into younger guys!" Maria's best friend Steven is not yet convinced "I think he's a bit stupid," he points out – on the other hand, something like this also has advantages: "He seems faithful, but he already has an honest interest." In the end, the youngster is allowed to stay, and a 37-year-old competitor loses out. "I won't let a screw loose," says the footballer happily.

With the duo Desy and Myci, "My Date, My Best Friend and I" can also boast a long-missed quality in reality formats: Here humor meets warmth of heart. Both consistently call themselves "Diggi", but at the same time are extremely eloquent. Myci can even read the "Love Messages" from the screen, which regularly announce new date constellations in the villa. One can imagine the former hairdresser in a way like the social media version of Hella of the senses: big mouth, even bigger heart.

There has already been snhooing and fumbling, but the really exciting thing about "My date, my best friend and I" will be the question: How far does the influence of best friends reach when it comes to love? And which best friend wins the prize of 50,000 euros because he has supported his girlfriend best? Pascal won't. The best friend of Viennese Sandy had simply shown too little tact, the others agreed. Only the audience had heard that he had described his best friend as "a woman with a top figure and quite acceptable character". A bit more it should be for the great love then but.

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